Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Knight to Remember?

“A Knight to Remember” What does that mean? I have been asked that by a few people. In their eyes, I see the squint of mockery. They’d be right if I was the Knight to remember. Heck no, I am not. I’ll tell you if you want to know. No, never mind. I’ll just say this:

There is a great King. There is a Prince who loves the King more than He loves His own life. And there is a people, small creatures, not stately in appearance, nor impressive of speech, but fervent in their desire to serve the Prince and meet the Great King face to face.

There is an evil. It is a gray cloudish power that wraps itself around you and chokes the life out of you. It will at once make you tingle with desire to know more of it and shiver in terror. As you read this, you will feel a harsh but soft, hot breath on the back of your neck. The hair on the body of a human is created to sense the blackness and hatred of the one that rules the shadowy region in which he dwells. In this land, a legion of dark and bitterly hateful spirits live and serve. Their weapons are potent. They wield a sword that cannot be seen by human eyes but can be allowed to sink deep into the flesh of the man piercing all the way to the soul and shadowing the light which makes men grow with belief, hope and love.

But, there is another realm ruled by the Great King and loved fervently by His only Son, the Prince. This world is far more real than the one you sit in today. It is more comforting than the bed you sleep in, or the arms of the mother that holds you. Life wriggles and moves and grows spontaneously, instantly and constantly there. There is Water to drink. There are fish that dance, and have danced, the same dance since they were put there. They wave each fin to move and pump air into themselves, yet not without each intricate motion being first ordered by the Great King Himself. There are birds, such beautiful birds. Pure white, soothing blue, and black with yellow throats, red and light grey. So many different shapes that to describe them would only force images into the mind of the reader which would not do them justice. Long legs, short legs, long beaks, short ones, fat ones, thick feathers or no feathers at all. There are creatures of every kind, small and large, weak and powerful. It is a place all at once calm and bustling with busyness. We don’t live in the world I am describing, but it is the world to which some of us belong.

But, in our present world Death lurks and waits to exact its price from every man.

“Death” was not by order of the King yet the King rules over it and ruled over its conception and creation. It is in itself an enemy of the King; an opposite if you will, yet in no way an equal. I suppose it acts as a servant to the King while acting on its own. It can’t do whatever it wants, but whatever it wants it does. It longs to take from the King His voice, because it is that voice that restrains it. Oh and what a voice it is. Low and powerful but smooth as honey and bellowing at the most soothing end of a scale that does not exist, it really just becomes.

In His most righteous anger He need not raise his voice, for if the King was to raise his voice, one millionth of an octave, in anger, the whole of creation from His world to ours would be changed. Not changed in the sense of changing one’s mind, changed in the sense that NOTHING would remain as it was. No substance would be the same substance, no element the same element. No one would be who he or she was. And no one who was, would “be” again.

And there are three Knights. They are all noble, loving and fair, to all they meet, and to the servant, you will learn of him later. But they are human, bound to both a body of flesh and of rules, neither from which can they escape. And they, and only they, can fight the fight for which they have been conferred the title of Knight.

And there is a Knight to remember.

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