Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

2012, what a year this promises to be. If you're like me, you get a little nostalgic when you stop and think that time and space as we know it are scheduled to end this year. The Mayan's were very clear about this; December 21, 2012 is the last day that anyone will ever be able to calendar an event.

That's right; the Mayan's predicted a total end to calendars. I'm saddened by this because what will people that don't know me give me for Christmas now? I like the calendars I get each year. My favorite of course is the Ronald Reagan commemorative calendar with many of his notable quotes. I also like the little ones I get from insurance carriers and that place we buy pet food. Gosh, I'm gonna miss the Word of the Day. But I wax nostalgic.

I also get a little scared because "Hey: When will it be ok to start singing Auld Lang Syne?"

It has been said that "necessity is the mother of invention" and I am confident in the people of this country. Someone somewhere will pull themselves up by the boot straps and will draw a grid of 31 boxes and place a number in each box and we will dance. We will all start setting appointments again.

Until then I say, "Thank you Microsoft Outlook, I will use you!" "I will use you until the end of time."

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