He made us a team. He kept us together and we always played,
and ate dinner, and went to sleep each night together without fail.

We lived in a small house on 1101 Silver Lake Dr., and I
remember it like I lived there my whole life. So many good times. Dad hated it
because it was a dangerous area and we could have gotten hurt. Looking back
though, I can see that he kept his eye out for me and I never even thought
about being in danger. He was always right there with me, and I never had to
worry. I just rested.

After work sometimes, Dad would come home and I remember he
almost always had candy in his pocket. He would hand it out to us, and that was
nice, but we really loved when he would wrap his arms around us and wrestle us
to the ground. Playing like that probably only lasted for a minute, but it
seemed like the greatest hour of our day. He was really there. Really present.
We would all play, and eat dinner, and sleep.
There was always the pallor of financial stress, but Dad
kept things going like he does. We were a team He was right there with me and
told me everything was going to be fine. He never responded with judgment or
anger to my rants. He just stayed with me and I never had to really concern
myself with the things outside the team. Outside in the world. I just slept and
everything would be ok the next day.

I was right there with Dad the day he and Mom made the
decision to leave town for a city far away to start over. I felt so empty and
so very alone. I was afraid, but he encouraged me like Dad does, and in the end
I still didn’t have to stress. I could always rest and sleep.
I called Dad a lot. I like to talk to him. I would just
invent problems to run past him. What the problem was didn’t matter so long as
I could hear him work it out with me. He always had ideas, and would hear mine.
He stayed with me through all my problems real or not and the answer was the
same as it always was. Just rest and sleep.
Dad always made sure I remembered that other people mattered
more than me. Not to him, but to that innate selfish desire we all have just
beneath the surface of our instincts. Work was first for God, then for others,
then for me. This is not an easy lesson to learn, and I am still learning it
today, but he always reminded me, and taught me, and all I had to do was grow
and rest.
This year was tough. Dad got sick. He faced what really
scared him. I could see it in his face, and hear it in his voice. He would call me often and always opened with
“O, hi son.” And then would ask for my help with something. That’s how we
always talked when one of us was scared. I heard in his voice that morning that
he was facing a real lion. The Lion was victorious as He inevitably always is,
But to Dad, that day He was was a lamb, waiting to usher Dad to Himself and into the only place where Dad can play, and eat dinner, and rest.
That Lamb, that is a Lion, is my Hero.
That Lamb, that is a Lion, is my Hero.
Craig - Brad is not the only writer in the family. That was a terrific tribute of Love to Jimmy. I know he was very proud of you and the man you have become.